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Ananda Decky Micola


The purpose of this research is to know the performance of the road before
mediating, the performance of the road after mediating, and to compare how the
road is performing after the addition of the median road. The research method used
in this study is quantitative descriptive research, where the method of data retrieval
is carried out through surveying traffic in the field, observing and measuring
geometric fields.
From the results of the research on mt road. Haryono, the performance of
the road before mediating for the direction of the BDS intersection – Beler
intersection has a saturation degree value of 1,00 (service level E) where the
vehicle's stable current is choked, while for the direction of the beler intersection –
the BDS intersection values a degree of saturation of 0,68 (service level C) where
the current is stable but the speed and motion of the vehicle is controlled. After the
addition of the road median, the performance of the road from the intersection
direction of BDS – Beler intersection has a saturation degree value of 0,78 (service
level D) where the stable current speed decreases, while the direction of the beler
intersection – BDS intersection is obtained the value of saturation degree 0,91
(service level E) stable current of the vehicle is choked.

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 How to Cite
A. D. Micola and fatmawati, “EVALUASI MEDIAN JALAN TERHADAP KINERJA RUAS JALAN M.T. Haryono”, JUTATEKS, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 56-65, Jan. 2021.


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