Analisis Penggunaaan Metode Penjadwalan Line of Balance Pada Proyek Kosntruksi Repetitif

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Lisa Nun Saskia


The construction project is a series of activities related to the development efforts of a building within the constraints of time, cost, and quality specific covers principal job in the field of civil engineering and architecture. Line of Balance is a method of project scheduling in a line form that represents a work that is done repeatedly or repetitive. Methodology of this research was conducted by analyzing data on the number of workers and the duration of the processing time of each job from the field. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the method of the LOB can be used for residential development project of Grandcity Cluster Hyfield which are typical and repetitive so that it can overcome the problem of the duration of work in the field. The results of analysis by using Line of Balance method of residential development project in Grandcity Cluster Hyfield only takes 168 days, which is faster than the estimation of the owner, which lasts 45 weeks, or 312 days, with a difference of 144 days faster than the estimation. 

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L. Nun Saskia, “Analisis Penggunaaan Metode Penjadwalan Line of Balance Pada Proyek Kosntruksi Repetitif”, JUTATEKS, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 91-98, Jan. 2021.


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