Stabilitas Tanah Lempung Dengan Penambahan Abu Cangkang Kelapa Sawit

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Erpi Arbina


Soil has an important role in a construction work, clay soils are often found in construction work in the field. 
Therefore, a study was conducted on the clay taken from Jl. Kariangau Km. 5 copies to Km.13, Graha Indah Village, North Balikpapan, by adding oil palm shell ash as stabilization material. The percentage of adding oil palm shell ash is 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%.
In this study the soil was classified by the USCS classification system, so the soil was CH group with a presentation that passed the No. 200 of 55%, water content at first = 31.6%, Liquid Limit (LL) = 57.28%, Plastic Limit (PL) = 29.23%, Plastic Index (PI) = 28.05%, optimum water content = 16.2%, maximum γd = 1.54 gr / cm3, CBR = 1.18%. With the addition of oil palm shell ash, the Liquid Limit (LL) value (LL) = 50.3%, the Plastic Limit (PL) value (PL) = 36.4%, the Plastic Index (PI) value = 13.9%. Meanwhile, the optimum water content = 15.62%, maximum γd = 1.36 gr / cm3, CBR = 16.7%. So it can be concluded that the addition of oil palm shell ash can improve soil bearing capacity and make soil conditions better.

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 How to Cite
E. Arbina, “Stabilitas Tanah Lempung Dengan Penambahan Abu Cangkang Kelapa Sawit”, JUTATEKS, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 80-90, Jan. 2021.


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