Pengukuran Topografi Untuk Menghitung Volume Cut And Fill Pada Perencanaan Pembangunan Perumahan Di Km. 10 Kota Balikpapan

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Dwi Nur Purwati


The plan to move Indonesian State Capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan has an impact on increasing population growth and community demand to own land and build residential buildings. 2 hectare area (20,000 m2) located at Km. 10 Balikpapan City is planned as a housing development. The area has varied land contours so it requires topographical measurements as a need for land excavation and stockpiling.
This research conducted study literature such as data collection, data processing, conclusions and suggestions. The research uses topographic exchange data carried out by the researcher and the team. The volume is calculated using the average cross-sectional method and the square pyramid method.
The calculation result, volume using cross-sectional method, cut = 425 m³ and fill = 2850 m³. While the volume using pyramid method, cut = 312.01 m³ and fill = 8689 m³. From the average calculation results of the two methods, it is obtained that the amount of land reserve for ordinary soil types is 368.505 BCM with a stockpile volume of 5769.565 m3. They experience volume changes in loose conditions 460.631 LCM and solid conditions 331.654 CCM.

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D. N. Purwati, “Pengukuran Topografi Untuk Menghitung Volume Cut And Fill Pada Perencanaan Pembangunan Perumahan Di Km. 10 Kota Balikpapan”, JUTATEKS, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 13 - 23, Jan. 2021.
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