Analisis Safety Factor dengan Perkuatan Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile Menggunakan Geolistrik dan Cone Penetration Test Studi Kasus pada Proyek Perbaikan Lereng PT. Komatsu Remanufacturing Asia

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Shafira Chairunissa
Totok Sulistyo
Lilik Damayanti


One of the cities prone to the dangers of avalanche is Balikpapan City because it has safety factors between 0.52 - 1.94. Avalanches can occur on any kind of slope caused by a greater thruster force than the retaining force, the weight of the soil itself, coupled with the great influence of groundwater fracturing, as well as other forces from outside the slope. One way that avalanches can be avoided is by the building of sheet piles as a retaining wall. The research method used in this final task is a quantitative analysis method. While the method used in the calculation is the trial and error method which is a manual calculation method used for analysis of the stability of sheet piles. The result of the calculation was obtained a recapitulation value of forces that works on the sheet piles of: (1) 718,078 kN/m for active ground pressure and 2,255,727 kN/m for passive ground pressure at a depth of 10 meters. (2) 577,567 kN/m for active ground pressure and 2,087,479 kN/m for passive ground pressure at a depth of 9 meters.

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 How to Cite
S. Chairunissa, T. Sulistyo, and L. Damayanti, “ Analisis Safety Factor dengan Perkuatan Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile Menggunakan Geolistrik dan Cone Penetration Test ”, JUTATEKS, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1 - 12, Sep. 2020.


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