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During the procces of construction of the Al-Muhandis Mosque which was first carried out and worked on was a lower structure work. In analyzing the structure of the building must be designed to meet the requirements of stability, strength, and durability of the materials forming the structure to meet objectives such as the economy and the ease of implementation of the production of Al-Muhandis Mosque which was first carried out and worked on was a under structure work.
The purpose of this research is to find out the dimensions of the footplate foundation which is determined by the carrying capacity of the permit on the ground where the foundation is placed.
According to the results of the analysis of soil bearing capacity at each foundation point using the Terzaghi method yielding permit carrying capacity of: (P1) qall = 134,437 KN / m2 and (P2) qall = 159,193 KN / m2. The results of the analysis of local palm foundations with dimension plans (P1) = 1,5 m x 1,5 m and (P2) 2,00 m x 2,00 m are able to withstand both the one-way and two-way stresses and shear forces.
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