TA Effect of compressive strength and density of dry foam mortar on the addition of foam Thesis
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Technological developments in Indonesia make mortar have another function, namely as a substitute for landfill, and to reduce dry density can add foam to the mortar. In this study researchers used foam to determine the characteristics and effects of foam additions on the compressive strength and dry density of foam mortar.
This mortar foam uses the ratio of cement: sand, which is 1,2: 1 by replacing a few percent of sand with foam and variations in the addition of foam by 75%, 80% and 85%.
The highest value of compressive strength of foam mortar was obtained from the composition of the 75% mixture of foam addition which reached a value of 12.727 MPa. In the 14 day dry density test there was a decrease in the value of dry density from FM 75%, FM 80% to FM 85%, with a dry density value of 1.87; 1,853; and 1,761 g / cmᶾ. The dry density at 28 days increased dry density from 75% FM to 80% FM with dry density value 1,869 to 1,877 g / cmᶾ, and at 80% FM to FM 85% there was a significant decrease with dry density value 1,877 to 1 , 78 g / cmᶾ.
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