Final Task Analysis of Changes in Reinforcement Location on Capacity and Failure Model in Box Culvert Plates
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Box Culvert is one of the precast concrete products, box-shaped generally serves as a sewer. Box culvert has 2 structural elements, is walls and plates.The implementation of concrete casting it is possible to change the location of reinforcement, changes in the effective height of concrete or concrete covers. This paper analyzes this with the capacity and model of collapse in the upper and lower plates.
This analysis is carried with 4 variations of the fall the reinforcement, is: plan, 10mm, 20mm, and 30mm on each upper and lower plate. And this analysis will also use two types of single and double reinforcement.
From the results of calculations for a single reinforcement in upper plate capacity has increased from the state of the plan as: plan:280,907Knm; 10mm:289,755Knm; 20mm:298,603Knm; 30mm:307,452Knm. And the lower plate has decreased from the capacity of the plan, as follows: plan:280,907 Knm; 10mm:272,058Knm; 20mm:263,210Knm; 30mm:254,362Knm. The collapse model that occurs is a pull collapse. while for the double plate reinforcement has decreased the capacity is: plan:554,183Knm;10mm:530,487Knm;20mm:512.79Knm; 30mm:495,093Knm. And on the lower plate the capacity has decreased from the state of the plan, as follows: Plan:283,908Knm; 10mm:275,0104Knm; 20mm:266,114Knm; 30mm:257,217Knm. The collapse model that is a pull collapse as well.
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Putra, Hutomo. (2018), PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN BOX CULVERT PADA CITRA LAND BARU DENGAN APLIKASI STAAD PRO, Jurnal Sipil Statik Vol.6 No.12, Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado.
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