TA Potensi Kembang Susut Tanah Ekspansif Pada Proyek Jalan Tol Balikpapan-Samarinda Seksi 1 Segmen 5 TUGAS AKHIR
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Often times a construction is damaged due to problems that occur on the ground. This problem is not only limited to decline but covers a whole, for example the development and depreciation of land.
To determine the potential of soil shrinkage used in embankment work on the balikpapan-samarinda toll road, soil testing is necessary. This soil testing includes testing of soil physical properties, among others, testing soil moisture content, soil type weight testing, sieving testing, and testing the boundaries of soil consistency.
Based on the results of testing the potential of soil shrinkage growth by identifying the soil using several methods it was found that in quary km. 35 has a low shrinkage potential with a moisture content of 26.16%, Gs of 2.25%, LL of 43.21%, PL of 35.21%, SL of 10.23%, IP of 8%, with land classification according to the USCS it is SP (poorly-graded sand) land. While the quary land is km. 36 also has the potential for low shrinkage with a moisture content of 26.66%, Gs of 2.25%, LL of 39.24%, PL of 28.03%, SL of 10.67%, and IP of 11.21% with the classification of land according to the USCS it is SP (poorly-graded sand) land.
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