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Muhammad Darmawan


  • Coal as an energy source steam power plant produces waste in the form of fly ash could pollute the environment. Utilization of fly ash as a add on concrete mix is very beneficial in terms of the environmental aspects of insight can reduce dust pollution in areas where fly ash produced and in addition can reduce pollution environment because fly ash is a solid material that is not easily soluble and not volatile so it will be more troublesome in the handle. This research was conducted to find out the fly ash. Strong testing done on concrete press 14 and 28 days using cylindrical test objects with the variation of fly ash 7%, 14% and 21%. The highest value of compressive strength of concrete was obtained from the composition of 7% mixture of addition of fly ash which reached a value of 25.43 MPa which was not much different from normal concrete 26.63 with a planned compressive strength of 25 MPa. While 14% reached a value of 24.53 MPa and 21% reached a value of 23, 58 MPa. So the use of fly ash can be used with a rate of less than 7%.

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M. Darmawan, “TA PENAMBAHAN FLY ASH SEBAGAI BAHAN CAMPURAN BETON NORMAL”, JUTATEKS, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 75 - 84, Aug. 2019.


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