Nusantara Civil Engineering Journal
Nusantara Civil Engineering Journal is an open-access peer-reviewed journal of civil engineering and environment. Each published article can be traced by its unique identified number (DOI/Digital Object Identifier). This journal is published by the Department of Civil Engineering, Balikpapan State Polytechnics, it has scopes and focuses in:
1. Road & Bridge Construction
2. Transportation System
3. Structure
4. Geotechnics
6. Construction Management
7. Material Technology
8. Hydrology & Environment
9. Hydraulic
10. Architecture & Urban Planning
11. Geomatics, Photogrammetry & GISE-ISSN: 2828-612X Nusantara Civil Engineering Journal (ISSN: 2828-612X) has passed the evaluation process positively and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for 2022.
Based on the verification of information on the functioning of the journal in 2022, the value of its parametric strength (ICV indicator) was calculated. ICV 2022 = 50.91
Journal SummaryJurnal Tugas Akhir Teknik Sipil
Jutateks is the open-acces reviewed undergraduate student final project journal of Civil Engineering Dept, Balikpapan State Polytechnics. It has focus & scope in : 1. Material Technology
2. Structure
3. Project Management
4. Geotechnics
5. Geomatics
6. Earth Moving
7. Transportation
8. Civil Engineering ComputationE-ISSN : 2721-2629
COMSERV (Community Service Journal)
COMSERV is the abbreviation of Community Service Journal. This journal is published by the Department of Civil Engineering, Balikpapan State Polytechnics, it publishes Community Service articles from a wide variety of disciplines, beyond just than merely engineering. Scopes and focuses of the journal: 1. Social Services
2. Religious Service
3. Working for NGO
4. Working for Government
6. Volunteer in Natural Disaster
7. Educating in Remote Area
8. Solving the Community Problem
9. Poverty Eradication Activity
10. etc.Borneo Geoscience Review
Borneo Geoscience Review is the open-access peer-reviewed journal of geoscience. This journal is published by the Department of Civil Engineering, Balikpapan State Polytechnics, it has scopes and focuses in: 1. Geology
2. Mining Engineering
3. Oil & Gas
4. Geotechnics
6. Geodesy
7. Geophysics
8. Geography
9. Geomatics
Editorial Address
Civil Engineering Dept, Balikpapan State Polytechnics
Office : Jalan Soekarno-Hatta Km.08 Balikpapan 76126
Telp. (0542)860895, 862305 Fax. 861107
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